hello Ihnen! *snigger*
Endlich sind meine Pruefungen vorbei! Aber leider bin ich noch beschaeftigt mit Orientation usw... bah.
Also! Ja Heidi, ich teile deiner Meinung, dass Sly echt Ah Beng ist! Haha und ich bin auch sehr zufreiden dass Taufik Singapore Idol gewonnen hat. =)
OK, heute habe ich ein paar spring cleaning gemacht - ich habe so viele Dinge gefundet! z.B Fotos von unseren Reise, die Geldstrafe von Venedig, Brochuren... and this!
Pris: Welcome to the Getting-To-Know-You-Show, let's introduce our 7 contestants from Germany!
Heidi: First up, standing at 5 foot 10, we have the charismatic Karolin Probst! Karolin likes singing, playing tennis and plays a wide variety of musical instruments. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Karolin Probst!
GJ: No, you're not seeing double! Thomas and Bernd Buhl hail from the lovely village of Haiterbach. They describe themselves as fun-loving and high-spirited hunks, and like playing football, table tennis, and tennis. Introducing once again the Haiterbach twins!
Tar: behold the glamorous sight before you! This Russian beauty, Olga Weber, exudes an international charm. In her spare time, she grooves to rhythm and blues and designs her own clothes. The sporty sweetheart from Simmersfeld, Olga Weber!
Heidi: A sensitive new age guy, Alexander Koepplin is a marvel at computers. He speaks 6 languages, and has taken up Chinese as well. Don't dismiss him as a pushover, for he's the star striker of TSV Haiterbach. Snag him quick, ladies, he's Alexander Koepplin!
Mabel: Don't be surprised if you see Kirsten Dunst walking amidst you! Carolin Goetz is cute, cool and cuddly. She is classically trained in flute and violin and is a guru in all things fashionable. Your personal fashion consultant, Carolin Goetz!
Jas: She's bubbly, she's fantastic, she's Luisa Bott! A champion equestrian, Luisa has won numerous awards with her dextrous skills. And she's the most important [background shout: OY!] ok, ok, she's a woman of action and cruises through the Schwabisch Alps on her motorbike. Riding into your life, Luisa Bott!
Christine: That's all the time we have today, folks. Tune it next year to the next exciting episode of the Getting-To-Know-You-Show! Till next year, goodbye!
This show has been brought to you by the year 1 German Language Elective Programme. [come out and wave]
Ja, wir haben das exact gemacht. Aber jetzt denke ich es war ein bisschen peinlich... es ist so... so... so... um... corny! Those were good times, when we all sat and sniggered at the SCORES of people who came down to the grandstand and sat near us in the morning AND how we suddenly became the most 'popular' people in school and having the luxury of privately going 'AHAHAHA LOOOOSERS!' when people you didn't really like sidled up to you and asked to be introduced or just generally hung around you like your incubators were next to each other when you were born.
I miss those times. Sigh. Venezia mit Gelato rituals, Berlin mit The War Plans against Chong [though on hindsight i am oh so grateful she came along instead of Schrauron] and Altensteig mit das Christophorus-Gymnasium und Frau Herzog-Brake und das Aufenthaltsraum.
If you guys have anymore memories you'd like to share, bitte typpen Ihren memories ab and share!
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