die NJC leper kolonie

Freitag, Dezember 31, 2004

Happy New Year!

Hey peeps!

Happy New Year darlings! I am so glad that our friendship survived another year. Hooray to us!

It has truly been a great year for me. Exciting things happened and i really feel like i'm living the life i want. i am definitely looking forward to 2005. we'll all be 20 years old! haha....thats a tot eh? no longer in our teens...we are officially young adults! imagine that!

i just get the feeling that the year just passes faster and faster. like when i was 12 years old, it took forever to get to 13. but then after that, it like zoomed straight to 19. i wonder how life would be like when we step into the 20 range. i really hope time would slow down, then i could savour this peak in my life. turning 30 is not something that i am looking forward to! haha......

i really hope our friendship would stay the same thru the years to come.....imagaine going for group dates, each other's weddings, baby showers, celebrating each others birthdays all the way till we are old but sexy babes and hunk (i din forget you, Mario!) ...haha. cheers to all of you guys! and have fun in the coming year.......

Sonntag, Dezember 19, 2004

Spass gehabt!

Was in Thailand los war... Posted by Hello

Samstag, Dezember 18, 2004

Zum Geburtstag...

Prinzessin Mabelle ist heute...19! endlich endlich...haha...na also! Ich bin unversehrt heimgekommen...still in one piece...Thailand war verrueckt und so scheiss geil...koennte ich es doch mal wieder erleben...und bei euch? Heidi...Schatz, mach dich keine Sorge wenn du es wieder nehmen musst...So ein Arschloch wie deinen Pruefer ah...lass es einfach und naechstes mal wird's besser, du bestehst es dann sicher yup?

Und...wann treffen wir uns?

Donnerstag, Dezember 16, 2004


heya Jas!!!

ich will foto sehen!

Freitag, Dezember 03, 2004


wah lau!!!!!!!!!
i just failed my BLOODY DRIVING TEST!!!! horrible horrible!
that idiot old and half blind tester said i din accelerate enough, din check my blind spots, din ensure safety before moving off.....what the F**K! such an asshole!

ok, enough of that. i'm just plain pissed now. now gotta wait till feb to take my test again. shit him lah.

will post again when i've calmed down.

Donnerstag, Dezember 02, 2004

Im Flughafen wartend...

So here i am waiting in Terminal 1 at the airport...gone in already...schoene Erinnerungen, oder? Yup i remember each and every one of them...won't ever forget the secret place we found in Venedig or the hills around Altensteig. Won't forget the times me and Alex went running through the Schwarzwald. Sigh...so many memories...if only we could re-live them again, i think we'd give everything we had, oder?

Hab auch keine Lust, auf Deutsch zu schreiben...my mind is totally focussed on BATTLE KING now...(hell it better be when you've got to go to Gate C1 at 0215) so...some shoutouts...

Heidi: Alles Gute beim Fahrpruefung! Don't stress out...du bist doch ne Prinzessin, Suesse...es wird absolut geil, ich warte darauf, dass du mich irgendwohin faehrst!

Taryn: Du auch...geniess die Freiheit...And...organise something when we all come home okay? Miss ya!

Jaz: Haha...da bist du da drueber...komm gut nach Hause und wir sehen uns...Hoffe nur dass wir beide es schaffen, unversehrt nach Hause kommen zu koennen.

New Yorker: Aiya...so sad that you can't come back...i'll fire a round for you! haha. Hab Spass...at least your Weihnachten is white lor!

Ciaociao aus Singapur...

miss those lovely times!

oh man, reading that sure brought back super duper nice memories! i'm not going to type in german, its going to take too long for me to formulate the sentences. hah.

yeah tar, those were great times. the times when we hang around our super duper cool austausch pple and those silly cina girls would be staring at our gorgeous german dudes. here are some of my memories of our entire trip....here goes:

1) venice- our gelato sessions!
remember those times when we would da-bao gelato back to the hotel corridor? all that limone and hazelnet and chocolate? then we would gather round the 2 boxes of intoxicating gelato and have our ritual....i really wished we could go back to that time man! us and our little plastic spoons, and that ending toast. how many times did we do that? like 3 times? we should have done more than that!

2) my home alone with jas, woon and mario
haha....i can only remember you guys kept on laughing. dunno what you guys laughing abt also. just know that all of you guys were on the floor. and i was standing there wondering what the hell just happen. honestly i was thinking of running away. haha.....that was the day we split up. tar and pris and mab went with frau chong to do some shopping and you guys came back with the lovely butterflies. the lace ones remember? i love my little butterfly!

3) at tuebingen
this was the one with tar and the bakery with the funny name. haha...and i still have the photo of mab and jas pretending to smoke those fake cigarettes. and the guys were so anxious to catch some soccer match....and frau chong was equally anxious to do some shopping (wie immer!). then we went on that stockerkahnfahren. and you guys took turns steering us around...and those little duckies! i remember jas really adored those ducks! remember the long walk along the river under the endless rows of trees? nice place eh?

4) ohh...how can i forget the venice nights?
remember our secret place we found? the one facing the sea? we sat there singing songs for what seemed like eternity. then woon taught us some funny song that rhymes and i never seem to get it. hah.....i really wanna go back there and sing songs with you guys again, those were wonderful times.

i am definitely on for the 2006 trip. you guys must come okok? any one got anymore memories to share?

hello Ihnen! *snigger*
Endlich sind meine Pruefungen vorbei! Aber leider bin ich noch beschaeftigt mit Orientation usw... bah.
Also! Ja Heidi, ich teile deiner Meinung, dass Sly echt Ah Beng ist! Haha und ich bin auch sehr zufreiden dass Taufik Singapore Idol gewonnen hat. =)
OK, heute habe ich ein paar spring cleaning gemacht - ich habe so viele Dinge gefundet! z.B Fotos von unseren Reise, die Geldstrafe von Venedig, Brochuren... and this!

Pris: Welcome to the Getting-To-Know-You-Show, let's introduce our 7 contestants from Germany!

Heidi: First up, standing at 5 foot 10, we have the charismatic Karolin Probst! Karolin likes singing, playing tennis and plays a wide variety of musical instruments. Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Karolin Probst!

GJ: No, you're not seeing double! Thomas and Bernd Buhl hail from the lovely village of Haiterbach. They describe themselves as fun-loving and high-spirited hunks, and like playing football, table tennis, and tennis. Introducing once again the Haiterbach twins!

Tar: behold the glamorous sight before you! This Russian beauty, Olga Weber, exudes an international charm. In her spare time, she grooves to rhythm and blues and designs her own clothes. The sporty sweetheart from Simmersfeld, Olga Weber!

Heidi: A sensitive new age guy, Alexander Koepplin is a marvel at computers. He speaks 6 languages, and has taken up Chinese as well. Don't dismiss him as a pushover, for he's the star striker of TSV Haiterbach. Snag him quick, ladies, he's Alexander Koepplin!

Mabel: Don't be surprised if you see Kirsten Dunst walking amidst you! Carolin Goetz is cute, cool and cuddly. She is classically trained in flute and violin and is a guru in all things fashionable. Your personal fashion consultant, Carolin Goetz!

Jas: She's bubbly, she's fantastic, she's Luisa Bott! A champion equestrian, Luisa has won numerous awards with her dextrous skills. And she's the most important [background shout: OY!] ok, ok, she's a woman of action and cruises through the Schwabisch Alps on her motorbike. Riding into your life, Luisa Bott!

Christine: That's all the time we have today, folks. Tune it next year to the next exciting episode of the Getting-To-Know-You-Show! Till next year, goodbye!
This show has been brought to you by the year 1 German Language Elective Programme. [come out and wave]

Ja, wir haben das exact gemacht. Aber jetzt denke ich es war ein bisschen peinlich... es ist so... so... so... um... corny! Those were good times, when we all sat and sniggered at the SCORES of people who came down to the grandstand and sat near us in the morning AND how we suddenly became the most 'popular' people in school and having the luxury of privately going 'AHAHAHA LOOOOSERS!' when people you didn't really like sidled up to you and asked to be introduced or just generally hung around you like your incubators were next to each other when you were born.

I miss those times. Sigh. Venezia mit Gelato rituals, Berlin mit The War Plans against Chong [though on hindsight i am oh so grateful she came along instead of Schrauron] and Altensteig mit das Christophorus-Gymnasium und Frau Herzog-Brake und das Aufenthaltsraum.

If you guys have anymore memories you'd like to share, bitte typpen Ihren memories ab and share!

Vor dem Abflug...

Hallo ihr alle da draussen...Zuerst...HALLO JAZ! Endlich bist du ja hier angekommen...lese deine Erzählungen darüber, was bei dir losgehen...freu mich auch, von dir was lesen zu können! Liebchen, es gibt doch gar keine Kommunisten, du brauchst mal vielleicht ein wenig Geduld und alles wird hoffentlich wunderschön, oder? 20 Tagen gehen auch ziemlich schnell vorbei, ich glaube, wir kommen an demselben Tag in Singapur an, wie schön, oder? Aber meine Ankunft ist um 3.15, niemand wird kommen, ausser vielleicht den Eltern...

Zum Einkaufen hab ich gar keine Geld mehr. Ich hab mir ein neues Ball gekauft und es hat mir 500 Dollar gekostet...Jetzt lerne ich wie ich es richtig spielen soll, dass es impressiver aussieht. haha...

Was ich mir zum Weihnachten wünsche?

1. Dass ich unversehrt nach Hause komme
2. Freunden wie euch zu treffen
3. Mehr Musik anhören zu können
4. Eine Freundin finden (ganz unmöglich)
5. Commissioning!
6. Bücher zum Geniessen
7. Keine Arbeit mehr

Okay ich glaube, dass reicht schon...2006...geht ihr denn nach Deutschland? Mit mir? Okay das wird absolut geil, kommt mit...ich will wieder nach Venedig und Berlin und...irgendwohin, solange wir Spass haben.

Heidi, Schatz, die Jaz hat Recht, du bist doch so süss, wenn du auf Dinglisch schreibst...Aber Heidi ist immer süss!

Heut' Nacht geh ich zum Flughafen, nach BATTLE KING zu fliegen...ich wollte nur Abschied nehmen...mach's gut...

Taryn: Kauf dir The Ultimate Secret Garden von Secret Garden! Du wirst es nie bereuen! Und wenn ihr deutsche Bücher lesen wollt...frag mich ok? ahaha...Mach's gut und bis 16 Tagen später...

Mittwoch, Dezember 01, 2004

Taufik rocks

Taufik won the singapore idol! how cool is that! haha......thank god that horrible sly din win. at least my voting din go to waste. Taufik rocks!