die NJC leper kolonie

Montag, November 29, 2004


Hello darling Leute!!

ich liebe euch! haha. gut zu sehen dass ihr alle gut geht. wo ist unsere mabelle ah? warum hat sie nichts geschreiben?

ich sag dir ah, ich habe schon nicht genug vokabeln auf Deutsch zu schrieben. haha......bald muss ich auf englisch schreiben. ich muss viel Deutsche Buecher lesen, Deutsches musik hoeren, und ein Deutsche Mann finden um Deutsch zu ueben!! muahaha.... verrueckt schon!

Jasmine! du kommst heim?? naturlich mussen wir uns treffen! haha.....ich habe viel zeit jetzt denn es ferien ist. sag mal wann du heim kommst hor, dann koennen wir jetzt plannen. Tar....wir plannen okok?

hmm, mario ah. sei nicht so traurig lah. du hast uns noch, die wunderbare lepers!

Tar, du willst deine andreas Isaksson fuer Weihnachten ah? sehr gut! gute geschmack! (",)

ich will viele sachen fuer weihnachten! Es wird schoen wenn ich Jude Law, Brad Pitt...haben kann. hhaa...oh yah hor, gehen wir in 2006 nach deutschland??? gehen wir?? dann muss ich jetzt geld sparen. ich will weltmeisterschaft sehen! Deustchland wird gewinner! weil es Michael Ballack gibt!

ok. ich bin verruckt. ferien macht man verruekt. ihr schreib bald hor. tschussies!

Sonntag, November 28, 2004

this is really ALL i want for christmas. really.

hey leute! es ist fast weihnachten! hmmm... anyways, okie i'll start the ball rolling ok? all i want for christmas is andreas isaksson! [ok, other than a driving license and the new creative mp3 player and to go travelling] whee!
okie dokies man i think i'm SERIOUSLY losing my marbles. WHEEEEE! anyways...
Posted by Hello

Guojun geht zum BATTLE KING...

Hey ihr alle da draussen besonders fuer euch Prinzessinen alle...Hier bin ich endlich angekommen, oder? Wells...things are quite smooth except for me driving myself crazy over BATTLE KING which is this large-scale artillery live-firing. Too bad lah. I'm already in the support battalion so i won't be at the guns so much...which may be good. Or bad. I don't know also. I just know that it's going to be crazy, crazy tekan and crazy fun...like you're paid to go on holiday...haha...When i come back i'll be commissioning...yup on that parade square in SAFTI in my No. 1...woah...the pride man...it's the culmination of 42 weeks of blood sweat and shit so i guess it means something!

Prinzessin Heidi hat ihren französiche Prinz gefunden? woah...los geht's, geh und fang seinen Herz! haha...ziling can make it one!! Don't be like me man! No one wants...only a M16 to call your wife...singing lonely Jay Chou love songs at night, listening to the radio and listening to all those lovers talk about their lives on the night love song programmes. haha...Camp want eye candy also cannot man. Probably eyesore. But one of the officers on course can make it. Either she's hot or i'm turning blind. sigh...

Mark Lo gay? woah...i thought it would happen someday man...ahahaha...

Wir sollen natürlich unser Deutsch üben, bevor Sätze wie "Wollen IHNEN..." ans Licht kommen...dann wird's recht peinlich...also ihr hab gar keine Zeit, das richtig zu machen, ausser vielleicht hier zu schreiben...sch
önes, oder? Okay, ich geb zu...ich lese, höre deutsche Musik...reicht das schon ausser das Aussprechen...da kriegt man hier keine Gelegenheit! Also hab ich auch paar Bücher, wenn ihr deutsch lesen wollt ohne wieder in der Hölle namens GR35 zu gehen...Ick glaube sie tobt noch da drinnend...yup...auch Musik...Wenn ihr Musik wollt, könnt ihr sie kaufen und an Priscilla schicken...es kostet viel weniger, als es nach Singapur zu schicken...das find ich auch scheiss teuer...

Sowieso geh ich gleich nach Thailand, ich vermisse euch wie verrückt und sehne mich nach dem nächsten Treffen... Inzwischen...Schont euch okay? Ich weiss dass es ganz stressig ist, eine Uni-Studentin zu sein...(pl
ötzlich verliere ich die Lust, studieren zu gehen...vielleicht ist ein Armée-Leben besser haha) Und ihr!! Schreibt regelmäßig! Hoffe nur dass wir immer schreiben...andere Versuchen mit anderen Leuten sind völlig gescheitert...aber wir sind doch was anders oder?

Ich geh gleich...Anbei lade ich ein paar Fotos hinauf, so dass ihr euch sehen könnt, dass bei der Arm
ée man auch Spass macht! Hab euch lieb...

Samstag, November 27, 2004

Camouflage! In the jungle! Haha...do you want a green face? Posted by Hello

Mortar Fire! Hab ich auch gemacht. =p Posted by Hello

and here's us in front of NYU! Posted by Hello

for a bigger picture, click it! anyway i promised you all a picture and here it is. here's us in the UN with the president of the american montessori society and the two guys at the back are my two nice friends from law school!  Posted by Hello

Freitag, November 26, 2004

~heidi loves you guys!!!!

hey lepers!!!!

pls pls pls blog hor....so that we can keep up on each other's latest news! haha......eh, important matters like who's got a boyfriend/ girlfriend, whos turning gay/lesbian or who's got a latest crush better turn up on this blog hor. i'm so going to come after that person if i hear it from someone else. hahahah....

ok, to be fair. i'll start. hahah. eh, sch just ended. actually i just finished my last paper today. yipee!! haha. erm, this french dude caught my eye this term. hes a nerd i think, cause he's permanently in the library. but its ok, cause i like! haha.....nerds are very intellectual. muahaha. i think hes cute loh, but some of my horrible friends say that hes fat and old. wah liao!FAT AND OLD YOUR HEAD AH. tsk tsk......i seriously think my taste not that bad yet. erm but now that term has ended hor, hes going home to france and i'm staying here in singapore! haha...so as usual, its just another eye candy. i'm sooo looking forward to next term, then my search for another eye candy is on!

oh yeah, one more thing. i think i saw mark low that day at junction eight! i'm quite sure its him leh. but he was wearing this horribly tight sleeveless muscle tee with jeans and he was hanging out with this muscle man. so i seriously think he might have turned gay! haha.....that my little bit of exciting news for the week...

eh, pls pls pls blog hor. btw hor, can we share photos on this thing? haha....i need expert help already. i cann't blog for nuts!

testing testing one two three

hello lepers!
ich bin zu faul, auf deutsch zu schreiben, but you're free to use whatever language you guys want =) aber doch denke ich dass wir manchmal auf deutsch schreiben sollen, um unsere [heck the endings, we're not in GR35 anymore] deutsch zu ueben. warum? because.. i am vergessen-ing my deutsch rapidly.
how're you all? hope you guys are okie dokie and everything's jackadory!
i guess this blog is for all of us to catch up and all since we don't see each other often... i think mabel and ziling are the only two who see each other and i'm ALL ALONE in nus and jas is in the states and gj is in the army and pris is in germany...
so if you all can, or you all want to drop some bombshell, make use of this blog to do so okie?
*edited because heidi made me feel guilty*
i REALLY should be studying for my contract law paper but OH WELL. anyway, how's everyone? oh wait i said that already.
anyway, oh man! ok, right now i want to go back to germany! ok maybe not now but in 2006 definitely for the world cup! and i hope that sweden gets in!
in case you all don't know, i LOVE sweden and the swedish and more specifically the swedish goalkeeper andreas isaksson! [better than, uh, my crush on meine wirtschaft lehrer definitely]
but i love germany a lot too! okie anyway i'm mad.

ANYWAY yes okie since a lot of people are making trips out of the country this december, i'll make myself feel better by telling you about the New York trip. went for the 57th UN DPI NGO conference and it was fun! went with two other law students, and i was the only female. it was quite fun and i really enjoyed myself. if i can upload a pic i'll upload it soon =) anyway, i really enjoyed myself [ think i said that already] and i'm sure ziling can tell you as well that nyc is a fantastic place! it was made more fun by the fact that we were unchaperoned and the two guys were really funny and entertaining travel companions. my only complaint is that i felt bad because the rooms were messy and i had to endure the messiness and what's worse i tripped over my friend's jeans one day and fell FLAT on my face. BAH.
oh but let me tell you what happened: at john f kennedy airport, my luggage lock was broken by the baggage handlers/screeners in the interests of national security! bah. and the guy i travelled with had his bag unmolested. BAH. they're biased against small girls. sizist.
but it was great fun!

okie okie and as for school so far, i like school! a lot! and i'm surviving like everyone, but ultra busy. like now for instance: i'm supposed to be mugging! haha =)
take care y'all!