die NJC leper kolonie

Samstag, Juli 30, 2005

Alles ist halt das Leben

Tar...since when was it fair at all? Haha...es ist halt das Leben...

Anyway...are we going to the long bar soon? Wann muss Jasmine wieder weg? Sag Bescheid!

Ok ok...ich muss abhauen. NDP macht mich krank und ich hasse es...ich werde mich tod arbeiten vielleicht...=) mach's gut! Oh...and samantha's back too so...you all can go give her a ring if you wanna catch up or something. I will be positively rotting away for the next 2 weeks.

Ciao, ihr!

Montag, Juli 18, 2005

from: http://njc.edu.sg/CCA/clubs/german/
German Centre of Industry and Trade in Jurong - check
German Embassy - check
Goethe Institute - check
Altvater - Jacob Incineration Plant and Semakau Landfill - check
ARD-German television in Singapore - check
LEP - Graduation dinner at a German restaurant - UTTER QUATSCH! what bollocks!

my dear lepers, do you sense a horrible sense of... biasedness?

Montag, Juli 11, 2005

pretty pics!

hey tar! nice pictures! eh btw arh, where did your blog move to?

so hot! :(  Posted by Picasa

the girls :) Posted by Picasa

:)  Posted by Picasa

:) Posted by Picasa