die NJC leper kolonie

Donnerstag, März 17, 2005

Bericht aus dem Arbeitsplatz

Haha...thanks, heidi...no la...tt's why i keep asking people why they find army horribly boring (although horribly boring kinda describes my life now) so yeah...anyway...gleich wird's Ferien...habt ihr frei? I mean...cannot keep saying we want to meet up but in the end no one meets up...it's kinda sad...sigh...anyway...more pictures to come so you all watch this space! And...keep writing la...so far...only heidi and jaz seem alive...hahaha...okay macht gut....und alles Gute bei der Examen! can pass one la...tong a bit more can liao...haha...

I'm in the office now. *yawn* but it's already 2200 so...yeah...i didn't bother to book out today because there was like NOTHING to do outside anyway...so i went to the mess...watched Chase (it's very very nice! go and watch it! 8:30 pm on Thursdays!) and then played some pool and here i am again. Hmm...idea...let's go play pool! Take care all! :) hab euch lieb...